
Our Book, Fassionola, Is In Transit!

Our Book, Fassionola, Is In Transit!

We are excited to let you know our book, Fassionola, is completed, printed, and on the cargo ship Ever Faith to the US from our printer in China!

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Good News – My Tiki Book is Printed!

Good News – My Tiki Book is Printed!

Thank you all for being so patient. My book, Ninety Years of Classic San Diego Tiki, is finally printed! It will be available December 15, 2019.

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Tiki Book Updates

Tiki Book Updates

Thank you one and all This project is finally coming to fruition! While you may think nothing's been happening for a while on my Ninety Years of Classic San Diego Tiki book project, it has been in reality quite a busy time! 

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Tiki Book - Final Production Schedule

Tiki Book - Final Production Schedule

 am excited to announce the final production schedule for my book, “Ninety Years of Classic San Diego Tiki.”

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